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“Vote!” — Cub Scout Awards Presentation

Cub Scout Election Themed Awards Presentation

If you're focusing on elections during your pack meeting, here's a fun way to present awards the boys have earned using “Vote!” banners!

Below you'll find the directions on how to make these.  Each step is detailed, so it may look like they are more difficult or time-consuming than they actually are.

Here's what you need:

1.  A copy of this document.
2.  Wooden dowel or skewer available through my affiliate link. If you use the skewers, make sure you cut the sharp point off.
3.  Scissors
4.  Tape

Follow these steps:

vote banner step 1
vote banner step 2
vote banner step 3
vote banner step 4
flag banner step 5
vote banner step 6
vote banner step 7
vote banner step 8
vote banner step 9
vote banners

And there you have it!  “Vote!” banners that double as Cub Scout awards holders.  They sure beat the baggies, don't they?  🙂

What are some of your favorite ways to present awards?  Share them in the comments below.

Yours in Scouting,

P.S. If you liked this awards presentation idea, sign up below for more Cub Scout information!

ANNE Mullen

Wednesday 10th of March 2021

this March all awards were put in cauldrons and filled with Gold wrapped candies and awards to represent the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. We had other St Patrick-themed ideas, tossing gold coins in the leprechaun hat, gold nugget relay race and solving the Irish Limerick.

Cool Cub Scout Pack Meeting Ideas For Citizenship | Cub Scout Ideas

Monday 13th of May 2019

[…] name and announced the awards he had earned.  The boy received his Voter Registration Card and a Vote banner that contained his awards. You can find the instructions for these in this […]

Cool Cub Scout Pack Meeting Ideas For Citizenship | Cub Scout Ideas

Tuesday 16th of June 2015

[…] and announce the awards he has earned.  The boy will receive his Voter Registration Card and a Vote banner that contains his awards. You can find the instructions for these in this […]

Cait D

Tuesday 17th of February 2015

I am a lion den leader for a pilot program they started in our council this year. I have been searching for days to find a unique way to hand out patches my 5 year olds earned at the blue and gold banquet. I had my boys earn cute patches I ordered online and make a patch pillow to apply them too. This way they received the instant recognition they craved at their young age. I've decided to put their patches that have accumulated over the last month into a balloon with a tag that says "Congratulations! You are BURSTING with Achievement."

Angela D

Tuesday 4th of November 2014

Love. Love. Love this!